Meet The Maker
Rajendra B.K

What’s your name?
My name is Rajendra Bishwokarma.
What is your age?
I am 32 years old.
Where are you from?
I am from Panchkhal municipality located in Sindhupalchowk district, 45300, Nepal.
Which products did you make?
I make jewelry pieces such as earrings, rings, chains, necklaces,etc namely Sikka Earring, Ma Nepali Cutout Hoops, Eaves earring and so on.

How and when did you learn your craft?
Since childhood, I have had the opportunity to learn this craft. Since this is part of my family tradition, I have always been deeply passionate about this field. So in 2006, I took the necessary training to begin a career in this field.
What space do you work from? (House, workshop, yard etc.)
We have a workspace where we work together with several other artisans. It is a safe, well-equipped space that has all the materials and resources we need.
Where do you get your materials to create your craft? (Ex. Brass)
The materials I use come from local markets in Kathmandu and Patan, which is a metal craft hub in Kathmandu.
What’s your favorite thing about creating your pieces?
The most enjoyable part for me about creating the pieces is that every time I work, I feel I am contributing to my family and society both economically and socially, also sharing a part of my culture and heritage.
What is your least favorite part?
Many times, as we work on customized orders, there is not enough work to go around. It is at that time that work becomes hard for us. But we make the most of those days and generate new ideas for the future work relating to the designs and working schedules so that we can make our job easier.
What inspires you to create?
As I have a deep interest in this field I enjoy every part of my work. The more I work, the more I feel like sharing part of my heritage through products at the same time this profession allows me to be empowered. And what really inspires me is the feeling that I want to handover this cultural significance to subsequent generations.
Do you work alone or with others?
We have a team of 30 artisans who work together sharing common dreams and helping each other in need.
How long does it take you to create one piece (on average)?
Each element tends to take a different amount of time, depending on how intricate it is. Our process can usually be completed within an hour and the time frame can range from 2 days to 4 days and more.