It’s a normal winter morning, I’m wandering down the streets of Ason, the busiest shopping center of Kathmandu and I can’t help but notice how dependent we Nepalese are upon a thick luscious cup of tea. Street vendors, office workers, students, everyone gathers around the various tea stalls, some occasionally grab a donut as a companion, and the tea acts as a magic potion, a sort of human petrol. Nepali chiya is our comfort drink, any guest, any friend, any talk, any kickstart, we reach for: Chiya.

So what makes Nepali Chiya so comforting? Well there are many well kept secrets we will unfold today.
First of all, most tea boiling pans aren’t wiped clean, that would make tea lose its charm. The milk lather coats the pan each round of tea, which helps the tea become thick, and flavorful. If you observe, most tea vendors have coated golden brown pans, created patiently and purposefully.

The next secret is keeping it simple and trusting your instincts. Making Nepali chiya is a process of using a few simple ingredients, most tea just contain: tea leaves/ sugar/ milk. It is the instincts and trust of hand measurements that creates the balance.
Nepali tea is a communal experience, it brings together people and their politics, friends and the corners of their hearts, strangers and their secrets. Are you planning to make some chiya for yourself? You can add in some spices. Here are some spice recommendations: cardamom, cloves, ginger, pepper, and cloves based on your preference.
Sip away, and stay warm and hydrated this winter.